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CopperSound Pedals Resistor Substitution Box

Resistor Substitution Box


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CopperSound Pedals DIY Substitution Boxes are an essential tool for designers looking to streamline their prototyping process. With these boxes, you can effortlessly select between different component values in real time without the hassle of constantly removing and replacing parts on a breadboard. Simply insert the wire leads into the desired points on your breadboard and experiment with various component values, all clearly indicated on the faceplate. 

Prototyping requires efficiency, and these substitution boxes are designed to save you time by allowing you to swap component values on the fly. This not only speeds up your workflow but also enhances your creative process, enabling you to focus on innovation rather than tedious component changes. 

These CopperSound Pedals DIY Substitution Boxes are available in seven different component types: Resistors, Film Capacitors, Diodes, Electrolytic Capacitors, Ceramic Capacitors, NPN Transistors, and N-Channel FETs. Each model comes fully assembled, ready to integrate into your next project.  

Whether you’re a seasoned designer or just starting out, these boxes are a must have for anyone serious about efficient prototyping. 

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